If you search for travel and no services show up under the dates you have selected, take a look at the error message below for some possible reasons why and ideas to get you going again:
> The journey you selected can't be completed in one day on our services, or there are no connections available. Check our network route map to see available connections.
> Some of our services are seasonal or only operate on certain days. Try choosing a different date or check our timetables page.
> Airport and suburban stops are not available on all services - please try searching from the main stop in the city. For example, if nothing is available from Christchurch Airport, try searching from Christchurch.
> If you're searching for travel between the North and South islands, please note that interisland ferries travel between Wellington and Picton, so you'll need to use these stops in your search. You may need to complete your journey over two days.
Got more questions? Check our booking help page or get in touch with our contact centre - we'd be happy to help.