InterCity GOLD is our premium seating option with a number of GOLD seats available on selected services. Our GOLD seats are soft leather reclining chairs, with individual USB charging ports and free wifi that don’t cost a lot more than the regular fare.
InterCity GOLD is available on selected services – check the InterCity GOLD page for a full list.
To book an InterCity GOLD seat, search for travel as usual and look for the GOLD icon under Service Info in your search results. If you’ve already booked a standard fare on an InterCity GOLD service, you can upgrade to a GOLD seat (if available) by changing your booking.
Some InterCity GOLD buses are double deckers, with standard seating available on the top deck only. Others have standard seating on the lower deck and a mixture of GOLD and standard seats on the top deck. Please contact us if you want to book a standard seat and have concerns about mobility. Please note that seat style and configuration differs between vehicles - read the booking notes under 'Service info' in the search results to confirm the vehicle type and location of GOLD and standard seats.
GOLD seats are limited and subject to availability. GOLD seats are shown as a separate service in search results and marked with the GOLD logo.