To change or cancel a booking, log in to our website. You'll need the following information to log in:
- If you're an InterCity account holder: your account number and password*
- If you have a FlexiPass or TravelPass: your booking reference and access code
- All other bookings: your booking reference (reservation number) and the email address used to make the booking
Alternatively, you can call our national contact centre or email us at with your request and booking reference. Please note that a $6.50 fee applies for cancellations made via our contact centre.
Take a look at our guide about how to change or cancel a booking here. Fare-type terms apply.
If you book a Flexible fare you can get a full refund if you cancel your trip more than two hours before departure. Refunds must be claimed within 31 days of the date of cancellation.
*If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it here.